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Updated: Oct 5, 2019

September 1 - September 7

To start off the week, I had dinner at Briana's. She invited me over for dinner earlier in the week and I really had no idea what to expect. It was a super intimate dinner, just Bri, myself, her boyfriend, and two of their close friends - it was so great getting to know them and I'm so glad Briana included me for dinner this week!

My classes finally started on Sep. 2! This period, I am taking International Business Law and Information Systems Security. Generally, every lecture I have is two hours long - however, classes don't actually start until 15 minutes after the scheduled time slot. For the first few days, I definitely showed up to class like 25 minutes early thinking I'd get there ~10 minutes early. Additionally, my class schedule changes every single week - which is very different from what I'm used to at OSU - I've always had a set schedule for the term. Here, I generally only have class once a day, and have Monday's and every other Friday's off. So needless to say, my class schedule is VERY chill.

During this week, I ended up going to IKEA in Malmö (about 30 minutes away) to get some things for the kitchen and my room. I think I spent like 2 hours just walking around IKEA and throwing things in my cart. At one point, I looked down at my cart and realized that I definitely underestimated how much I needed and didn't really think about how I was going to bring everything back. The only option I really had was to carry everything back in those blue IKEA bags. I bought two of them, threw all my goodies into them, and ended up hauling two big bags back on the bus - IT WAS A STRUGGLE to say the least. But I'm so glad I did because my room felt so much more like a home after I finished decorating and setting everything up.

At the end of my first week, I met up with Briana for Fika (my first Fika date!). Briana is literally my favorite person - she's just so sweet and always has the best advice to offer. It was also just nice to talk to someone who could directly relate to my experiences and current situation.

I also got dinner with Hannah, the girl I met from Portland! And it was purely coincidental that she had one of her best friends from OSU visiting her. So I got to meet someone from OSU in Lund - insane, I know! After dinner, I tagged along with them to a game night that someone from their mentor group was hosting.

September 8 - September 14

I definitely settled into a routine around this time, especially as my class schedule became more consistent. Briana had invited me over for dinner again this Sunday - and this time a new member was added to our dinner group - Catherine, an exchange student from Toronto! I had an amazing time at dinner and honestly really connected with Cate because our experiences as exchange students were really similar.

I didn't really do much else this week, but found myself enjoying some Fika almost everyday after class!

Over the weekend, Bri invited me to go to the Louisiana Museum of Art over in Helsingør. We took the train to Helsingborg early on Saturday morning and then took a ferry over to Helsingør, Denmark. We also ended up seeing the Kronborg Castle, which happened to be the home of Shakespeare's Hamlet! Afterwards, we got some lunch at an indoor food cart market and then made our way to the Museum. My favorite exhibit was one called "Generational Wealth" by Lauren Greenfield - Greenfield examined the obsession with wealth and the celebrity lifestyle that cultivated in America. After the Museum, we were all really exhausted and so we decided to have some Fika before heading back to Lund.

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