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Saturday, September 28

Meaghan and I planned a very last minute day trip to Gothenburg! We left very early in the morning to catch our bus to Gothenburg. Unfortunately, I ended up eating a breakfast wrap that had walnuts inside (I'm allergic). I had a minor allergic reaction and it didn't help that I had to be on a bus for 3 hours. Although we had a rough start to our morning, the rest of the day went really well. It was supposed to rain all day, but we definitely got lucky because it was slightly overcast and we even got some sun!

Meaghan and I walked around the city for a bit and ran into Haga, a little cobblestone street with a bunch of cute shops and cafes. Afterwards, we walked to a park/zoo but the zoo ended up being closed so we just spent some time in the park before getting some lunch. After lunch, we walked over to the National History Museum (Meaghan is a lil bit of a geology nerd) and picked up some goodies from the gift shop before going on a boat tour around the city! The tour wasn't the greatest but it was still cool seeing the harbor and learning more about the history of Gothenburg.

After the boat tour, we did some window shopping and got some dinner before heading back to Lund via bus. I actually really enjoyed getting out of Lund for the day and Gothenburg was the perfect place to go because it was fairly close and there was so much to do! I'm definitely hoping to make more day trips during my time here.

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